Short history
Swedish Karatedo Wadokai (SKW) was founded 1969 by Shingo Ohgami Sensei around the time he arrived to Sweden as a guest researcher at the Chalmers Institute of Technology. Read more about SKW history
SKW is the official Swedish Wadokai association for Wadokai clubs connected with Japan Karate Federation (JKF).
SKW is an umbrella organisation promoting Wadokai karate in Sweden.
SKW arranges all official Swedish Wadokai training camps and seminars during the year. The member clubs arrange club camps and seminars. Se information about our memberclubs at the top navigation.
Read more about our official camps here
Founded 1969-09-10
Chairman Carl-Sixten Ullgren
Adress Svenska Karatedo Wadokai,
Valhallagatan 3
402 24 Göteborg, Sweden
E-mail info@wadokai.se
E-mail GDPR gdpr@wadokai.se
Webpage www.wadokai.se
Bankgiro 398-7633
Swedish organisation number 857203-8977